Steering Wheel Button Fix? Help.. 2016 Expedition EL

My steering wheel buttons on the left side (for the cruise control) are barely responsive anymore, almost like they’re worn out or gunked up. The right side (volume/track controls) is also lagging. Anyone ever swap them out themselves? The owner’s manual makes it look easy, but I’m a little hesitant to mess with it. Any tips? Thanks


Replaced mine on a '14 Limited. Just disconnect the battery first, so you don’t accidentally trigger the airbag. The buttons pop right out after you take off the airbag cover.

You can clean it instead of replacing 'em. No need to replace the whole thing unless the buttons are completely shot. I just cleaned mine instead of replacing ('15 XLT).

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Did you have to pull off the buttons to clean them, or just spray the cleaner on while they were still on the wheel? @Little_ChRIS

Nah, I just sprayed a bit while the buttons were still on. Wiped the excess off after and let it dry before reconnecting the battery. Quick and easy.

Tbh I’d just replace them, had the same issue on my '16 Platinum, and cleaning only helped for just like a month. After that, they started acting up again. If you want long-term reliability, just get new buttons.

I dunno, me I’d go with the cleaner first. Try the cheap option before you spend money on parts. Worst case, you still end up replacing them, but at least you tried the easy route.