Liftgate Button Not Working Properly

Hey all, I’ve got a 2017 Expedition and the liftgate button on my key fob and inside the car work fine, but the buttons on the back (both for the hatch and just the glass) aren’t responding. Any tips on what might be going on here?

Also, is there another way to pop just the rear glass? Or is it only that exterior button?


That def sounds like a wiring issue. Those exterior buttons are prone to wearing out over time. I’d start by checking the connections in the back—could be a loose wire. If you’re comfortable with a multimeter, you could test the circuits. Otherwise, might be a dealer job.

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I think I had something similar which i realized was a fuse issue. It wasn’t blown but had a bad connection.

Yeah, those exterior buttons can be finicky. Sometimes it’s just dirt or grime getting stuck in there. I sprayed a bit of WD-40 around the button and it worked for me. Just be careful not to overdo it—less is more.

I thought about that actually btw. Would you recommend taking the button out and cleaning it, or just spraying around it?

I just sprayed around the edges and it loosened up after a few clicks. But if it’s really gunked up, you might have to take it apart to clean it properly.

And If none of that works, it could def be an issue with the liftgate module itself. It controls all the electronics for the back end, and if that’s gone bad, you’ll probably need to replace it.

One thing you can try is disconnecting the battery for about 15 minutes. Sometimes a reset fixes little glitches like this.

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I’ll give that a shot this weekend. Fingers crossed it’s just a glitch and I don’t have to replace anything major.

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Good luck, let us know if it works. Sometimes these cars just need a little reboot.