Hey y’all, I’ve been hearing this weird whistling sound lately. Sounds kinda like the window’s slightly open, but it’s not. Only happens when we’re going 45 mph or faster, and it’s coming from the front of the car. Any ideas?
Yeah, I had something similar. Turned out the door seals were a bit worn, so the wind was sneaking in. Might be worth checking those, especially around the front doors.
I bet it’s the windshield trim. Happened to me a few months back, and it was just a loose piece of trim on the windshield that needed re-sealing.
Do you have a roof rack on it? Mine used to whistle at higher speeds until I removed it. Apparently, it catches a lot of wind.
Try looking at the side mirrors too! Had a friend with a similar noise, and it was just the wind hitting the side mirrors at the right angle. Adjusting them slightly made a difference
If it’s not wind-related, you might want to check if something’s loose under the hood. I had a fan belt making a high-pitched noise once that sounded kinda like what you’re describing.
Honestly, could just be how the Expedition is built. Noticed some of these bigger vehicles tend to pick up wind noise easier once you hit higher speeds.
Are your wiper blades new or old? Sometimes if they’re a bit loose or worn out, they can whistle at higher speeds. I swapped mine out and it stopped.