Does anyone else hear a buzzing sound when headlights turn on?

I’ve got a 2017 Expedition, and every time I flip the headlights on, there’s this faint buzzing sound that happens for a few seconds. It’s mostly when I first turn them on, and it doesn’t happen again if I switch them off and back on. Weird. Anyone else run into this? Might try to catch it on video if it does it again later today.


My 2016 did nearly the same thing a while back and it turned out it was a grounding issue. It was so annoying.


I ignored the same thing on my 2015 for a bit, but eventually, the sound stopped on its own. No clue what caused it though. Didn’t seem to affect anything else.


I think it’s a bad headlight switch. Try swapping it out and see if the noise disappears right after.

I don’t think it’s a bad headlight switch.

It could be the alternator struggling to keep up with the load when you first power the lights.

Your battery might be on its way out. Might be worth checking your battery health too.

Nah, mine’s quiet. Maybe your Expedition’s just singing when it’s happy? :joy: In all seriousness, I’d bet on some electrical issue. Probably nothing major though.

C’mon mate, seriously… :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:.