2018 Expedition lift gate strut replacement?

Hey everyone, anyone know how to replace the power lift gate arm strut on a 2018 Ford Expedition? Mine’s shot, and I can’t figure it out. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.


Super easy… just pop off the clips at the top and bottom of the strut with a flathead screwdriver. Once they’re loose, the strut will come right off. Reverse the process with the new one.


Make sure you have someone hold the liftgate up—it’s heavier than you think. Almost took my head off when the old one came off. Other than that, it’s quick work.


I had the dealer replace mine. Yeah, I know it’s simple, but I didn’t want to deal with it, lol. But yeah, @HighwayHauler is right—flathead screwdriver, pop it off, new one goes right in.


I used a broomstick to hold the gate up when I replaced mine. Not fancy, but it worked. If you’ve got two people, it’s way easier. Took me 15 minutes tops.


Don’t make my mistake. :joy: I didn’t support the liftgate and it slammed down HARD. Use a prop or an extra set of hands bruh. Otherwise, it’s a quick fix.


Lol, I did mine with one arm holding the gate and the other fiddling with the screwdriver. Not recommended. Just get a buddy to hold the gate—makes life a lot easier.


Haha, I’ll definitely have someone hold it. Almost losing your head doesn’t sound fun. Thanks for the tip @UrbanExplorer, I’ll try it this weekend.


You got this. Just watch out for those clips—they can be stubborn. But once you get the hang of it, it’s a quick swap.

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Yup, same here. Thought I could hold it and swap the strut at the same time. Bad idea!.. Lesson learned. :sweat_smile:

Broomstick trick sounds like a good backup plan if my friend bails on me. Thanks, everyone. Should be a quick job now that I know what I’m doing.