I’m thinking about getting a 2024 Ford Expedition Limited Stealth Edition, but I’ve been reading a lot about transmission issues in older models. Have these problems been resolved in the 2024 models?
Some people have had lots of issues with transmission and cam phasers before hitting 100k miles, while others have had no trouble even with higher mileage. I’d recommend changing the 10-speed transmission fluid every 20k miles and engine oil every 3k miles with full synthetic. Stick with Motorcraft fluids and filters, except for engine oil—I’d go with Pennzoil Platinum.
The Expedition is built on the F150 platform, so similar issues can pop up. 2018-2020 were rough years, but things started improving around 2022. By late 2022 and beyond, cam phaser and transmission issues seem to be resolved. A 2024 model should be a solid choice!
Thanks. That helps a lot!
Ford updated the CDF drum on the 10-speed transmission in mid-to-late 2022. They also fixed the 3.5 cam phasers around that time. So, the 2023 models and beyond shouldn’t have the same issues. I’ve had a 2020 F350 and currently drive a 2023 F150, both with the 10-speed, and haven’t had any issues. Only time will tell, though.
Hopefully, they have it sorted by 2923!
Finley said:
Hopefully, they have it sorted by 2923!
Haha, who knows with Ford these days!
I’d say get the extended warranty just to be safe.
Sullivan said:
I’d say get the extended warranty just to be safe.
Thanks. I’m thinking about it. Does the extended warranty cover the transmission?
Run, don’t walk—get out of there! Fords used to be ‘Built Ford Tough,’ but now they’re just:
And disappointment.