Does the rattle trigger a check engine light?
Teo said:
Does the rattle trigger a check engine light?
Nope, no lights at all. Rattles for 2-3 seconds, then runs perfectly fine. I’m at 90k miles.
Teo said:
Does the rattle trigger a check engine light?
Nope, no lights at all. Rattles for 2-3 seconds, then runs perfectly fine. I’m at 90k miles.
Cam phaser rattles usually last about a second since oil pressure builds up quickly. If it’s 2-3 seconds, it might be the wastegates instead.
If it’s wastegates, that’s probably cheaper than phasers. I’ll dig into this more—thanks for the tip!
Ari said:
If it’s wastegates, that’s probably cheaper than phasers. I’ll dig into this more—thanks for the tip!
Look up the Lowe’s spring mod—it might help.