2021 Ford Expedition Max

Just traded in our 2017 Explorer ST for this beast. Loving it so far. So much more room!

You will love it. Get the extended warranty; it pays for itself.

I did the same switch—from a Traverse to a 2020 Limited Max. Upgraded wheels, tints, and added Morimoto HIDs. Super bright and a game-changer.

Any suggestions on what I need to add to this Limited package? I know I need to tint the windows up front, what else?

Nyx said:
Any suggestions on what I need to add to this Limited package? I know I need to tint the windows up front, what else?

It’s slick as is! I added factory crossbars for a luggage box and swapped to true AT tires after 10k miles. If you don’t already have crossbars, they’re a great addition.

Nyx said:
Any suggestions on what I need to add to this Limited package? I know I need to tint the windows up front, what else?

Does yours have Auto Hold? My 2021 Explorer does, but my Expedition Max doesn’t—or I haven’t figured out how to turn it on.

I know it’s an option on the 2022 Expedition. My F-150 has it, and I love it. My wife isn’t a fan, though.

Ozzy said:
I know it’s an option on the 2022 Expedition. My F-150 has it, and I love it. My wife isn’t a fan, though.

It’s so weird. My 2020 Escape and 2021 Explorer have it, but not my 2021 Expedition Max.

What do you mean by Auto Hold?

Nyx said:
What do you mean by Auto Hold?

Auto Hold keeps the brakes engaged when stopped, so you can take your foot off the pedal at a light. Trust me, you never knew you needed it until you try it.

I haven’t seen that feature yet. Still discovering new things every day! I’m not sure I’d use it much, though. I already turn off the Auto Start-Stop every time I get in. So many features to explore in the manual—it’s overwhelming!

Nyx said:
Any suggestions on what I need to add to this Limited package? I know I need to tint the windows up front, what else?

Consider adding the Ford Performance 3.5 EcoBoost oil-air separator (oil catch can). Go with the Ford one to keep your warranty intact. Also, Ford ESP is a must, and Michelin Defender 2 tires are fantastic. A good front and rear dash cam setup is another solid investment.