03 Ford Expedition A/C Not Working… Any Ideas?

Hey everyone, just picked up an ‘03 Expedition and the A/C isn’t working. It blows air, but it’s not cold (heater works fine though).

I bought one of those refrigerant cans from AutoZone. When I hooked it up, it showed zero PSI, so I filled it to 40 PSI. Still no cold air.

Watching the gauge, the PSI fluctuates between 10 and 40 when the compressor kicks in. Also, I hear a slight squealing noise when it does.

Just looking for opinions before I take it to a mechanic.

You just threw $40 at snake oil. That can won’t fix your A/C.

Hartley said:
You just threw $40 at snake oil. That can won’t fix your A/C.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Hartley said:
You just threw $40 at snake oil. That can won’t fix your A/C.

Well, joke’s on you—my magic beans actually worked! :joy: A/C is blowing cold now. :laughing:

Oli said:

Hartley said:
You just threw $40 at snake oil. That can won’t fix your A/C.

Well, joke’s on you—my magic beans actually worked! :joy: A/C is blowing cold now. :laughing:

Like Ming the Merciless said, ‘For now, yes.’

You probably need more refrigerant—it’s still too low.

Also, you might have a leak. Check with AutoZone, they might have a leak detector in their loan-a-tool program.

Soren said:
You probably need more refrigerant—it’s still too low.

Also, you might have a leak. Check with AutoZone, they might have a leak detector in their loan-a-tool program.

How much should I add?

Keep filling until the low-side pressure (the gauge you’re using) stays above 40 PSI with the compressor running.

Soren said:
Keep filling until the low-side pressure (the gauge you’re using) stays above 40 PSI with the compressor running.

Got it, I’ll give it a try. That seems like a lot though.

Soren said:
Keep filling until the low-side pressure (the gauge you’re using) stays above 40 PSI with the compressor running.

Thanks for the help! A/C is working now. I checked for leaks, and there aren’t any. Talked to the previous owner—he said the valve was leaking, so he replaced it, but never refilled the system since it was winter.